Wednesday, May 16, 2007

10 Important Facts About the Korean War:

1) After WWII the UN decided to divide Korea in half along the 38th parallel with the northern half being controlled by the Soviet Union and the southern half being controlled by the US
2) The War didn't end until two years after the truce between Korea and the U.S.
3) The UN Troops defended South Korea.
4) The U.S had the upper-hand in the war until China sent 250,000 troops into South Korea.
5) Douglass Macarthur wanted to drop 50 atomic bombs onto China but President Truman said no because he was afraid of driving the Soviet Union into the war, this led to the firing of Macarthur
6) The Northern half was communist but the southern half was democratic
7) In the election of 1952, Eisenhower won by a lot because he promised to get America out of the war.
8) The Korean War was one of the "proxy wars" during the Cold War.
9) Many people thought that we shouldn't waste money to fight this war for something that wasn't our problem. America also thought that we shouldn't be responsible for Korea's future.
10) After the war, communism continued in Korea and America ended up having bad relations with the Soviet Union.